Redwood Forest California - Armstrong Woods State Natural Reserve

Armstrong Woods State Natural Reserve
Explore a majestic redwood forest California. Armstrong Woods State Natural Reserve is an old growth redwood forest located in Guerneville. Take a break from wine tasting in Sonoma County to explore the beauty of this redwood forest. You'll be in awe of the amazing redwoods in this tranquil setting. It's the perfect place for quiet reflection.

Redwood Forest California

This park was named after Colonel James Armstrong, a lumberman who recognized the beauty of this redwood grove in the 1870s. He set this land aside to save as a natural park. His daughter, Lizzie Armstrong, later campaigned successfully to have Sonoma County purchase the property. In the 1930s it became a state park.

The coastal redwood is the tallest living thing on the Earth. The tallest tree in this grove measures more than 310 feet in height. It's called the Parson Jones Tree. The Colonel Armsrong Tree is the oldest tree in the area. It's estimated to be over 1,400 years old. Both are just a short distance from the park entrance.

Redwood Forest
Enjoy a picnic at Armstrong Woods, hike, or horseback ride. Hiking trails in the park range from easy to strenuous. There are horse trails that are usually open throughout the summer months. Horse rentals are available from a private company adjacent to the park or you can bring your own horse. Call in advance to make sure the trails are open.

There's no camping within this redwood forest. However, you can camp at Austin Creek State Recreation Area, which is adjacent to Armstrong Woods Natural Reserve.

Contact Information:
Armstrong Woods State Natural Reserve
Address: 17000 Armstrong Woods Rd., Guerneville, CA
Telephone: (707) 869-2015

Directions from Guerneville: Turn north on Armstrong Woods Road and drive two miles to Armstrong Redwoods State Reserve.

Tip: Park in the lot just outside the park entrance and walk into the park.

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