Wine Tasting Guide

Have you ever wondered exactly what you are suppose to do when you taste wine?

These tips will walk you through wine tasting step by step.

Watch the Video: 5 Easy Steps for Wine Tasting

After learning about the steps to wine tasting, click on these links to explore basic wine information:

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wine tasting

1. When wine tasting the first step is to take time to look at the wine, especially around the edges.Look for the color of the wine and the clarity. This is why clear glasses should be used for tasting wine.
White wines become darker as they age while red wines begin to lose their color, turning more brownish.

Tasting Wine

2. Swirl the wine in your glass. This is done to mix oxygen in with the wine, which will soften the tannins of young wine. It also opens up the flavors and aromas of the wine.

Wine aroma

3. Sniff the wine. Initially you should hold the glass a few inches from your nose. Then let your nose go into the glass. What do you smell?

Wine Tasting

4. Take a sip of the wine, but do not swallow yet. Roll the wine around in your mouth exposing it to all of your taste buds. Do this for at least a few seconds while thinking about the tastes of the wine.

Wine Tasting

5. Swallow the wine. How long does the "finish" last?(How long can you taste the wine after you swallow?) Do you like the tastes?

Tasting wine is suppose to be fun. Don't stress about doing everything exactly right. Don't worry if your tastes are different than people around you. Everyone has their own tastes and enjoys different types of wine.

The exciting thing about sampling different wines is discovering exactly what your own tastes are. There are many things that you can learn about a wine by reading the wine labels. As you select and sample wines, discover what you can learn from the labels.

Storing Wine

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