Romantic Southern California Restaurants

Southern California Restaurants

Treat yourself to dinner at the best and most romantic Southern California restaurants. These restaurants will delight you with their food, service, and ambiance. Experience world class dining at these top places to dine.

Thornton Winery - Cafe ChampagneCafe Champagne is a romantic restaurant located in the Southern California community of Temecula. The food is supurb, service great, and ambiance is romantic and relaxing. We can enthusiastically recommend this great restaurant as a terrific place to dine for lunch or dinner.

George's at the Cove - romantic restaurantGeorge's at the Cove is a great restaurant in San Diego. The Outdoor Terrace Bistro offers casual dining overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Enjoy fresh ocean breezes, fine food, and the most spectacular views you can image. This romantic restaurant is the perfect setting for a magical evening.

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