Point Lobos State Reserve offers spectacular beauty near Monterey. Explore the rich marine life, unique geological formations, gorgeous coastal views, and the abundance of coastal plant and animal life.
The 70 foot high kelp forests are one of the richest marine habitats in California, making it a popular place for both scuba diving and free diving. There is a charge for scuba diving. Make reservations by calling (831)624-8413 between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Point Lobos is home to many animals including seals, sea lions, sea otters, a great variety of birds, and migrating gray whales. Whales are often spotted from shore from December through May.
This is a popular destination for diving, hiking, bird watching, photography, exploring tidepools, picnicing, and nature study. It's a day use park that is open daily from 8 AM until half an hour after sunset. For more information call (831) 624-4909.
Directions:The entrance to the park is located on Hwy. 1 in Monterey County. It is 3 miles south of Carmel.
After exploring Point Lobos State Reserve, learn about other exciting things to do in Monterey
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