The Madonna Inn San Luis Obispo

The Madonna Inn San Luis Obispo

If you're looking for a unique place to stay on California's central coast, the Madonna Inn San Luis Obispo is just the place. Each of the rooms has a special theme that will provide an unforgettable experience.

Madonna Inn Pool

This resort offers a European-style pool, an exercise room, day spa, cocktail lounge, shops, and a choice of fine dining. Relax and enjoy a memorable stay at these charming facilities located just minutes south of downtown San Luis Obispo.

You're sure to find a room to fit your interests. There's 110 different rooms each with its own theme. I can't list them all; but to give you an idea themes include American Beauty, Caveman, Antique Cars, Fabulous Fifties, Jungle Rock, Romance, San Francisco, Dot and Daisy, Golfer's Room, Love Birds, Irish Hills, Showboat, Pioneer America, and Barrel of Fun.

If you aren't looking for overnight accommodations, stop by and enjoy a delightful breakfast. They're known for their homemade muffins and great breakfast. If you get a chance, take a peek into the men's bathroom. They have an unusual urinal that is something of a tourists attraction!

The Madonna Resort
Address: 100 Madonna Rd., San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Telephone: (805) 543-3000

Directions from Hwy. 101:
Exit at Madonna Road and travel west. The hotel will be on your right. Watch for the sign. Drive on past the restaurant if you are checking in to the hotel.

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