Wine Stix
These Wine Stix are a practical way to hold a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. They're perfect for picnics, the beach, or outdoor concerts. Simply insert the stix into the ground and you're ready to relax and enjoy your wine. No more spills!
Learn more about these unique Wine Stix.
Wine Decanters
Decanting wine is important. Old wines need a few moments of decanting before serving to ensure that the wines clarity and brillance are not obscured by any deposits that might have developed over time. Decanting gives younger wines the oxygen they need to soften before serving. This would be one of the top gifts for wine lovers.
Take a look at some of the best decanters on the market.
Wine For DummiesThese are great books for learning about wine. They are written for beginners, but even wine buffs can learn a thing or two.
Learn how to under the different types of wine, navigate a wine list, pair food with wine, how to buy, store, and serve wine. Explore wine regions around the world with Wine For Dummies !
Wine Spectator Subscription
Give the gift that keeps giving month after month.
Wine Spectator
This high quality publication will keep you up-to-date on wine from around the world. Learn about the latest wine ratings and recommended wine selections. Each issue is packed full of information on wine, but also includes advice on restaurants, travel and entertaining that you absolutely do not want to miss. This magazine is a wonderful gift for wine lovers. BUYING INFORMATION<
A bottle or two of wine is always appreciated by wine lovers. A bottle of his or her favorite wine or a totally new discovery is always a fun experience.
Choose a wine recommended by us.
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Top Wine Openers
Top Wine Openers
Removing the cork from a bottle of wine should be a simple and enjoyable task. There are a large number of corkscrews to choose from. Wine openers make the perfect wine related gift to give yourself or someone else. Learn about the top wine openers currently on the market by clicking on the link above. Choose useful wine related gifts for wine lovers.
Wine Refrigerators & Cellars
Ideal temperatures for storing wine are between 50-55 degrees F with humidity at 70 degrees or slightly higher. The higher humidity helps keep the corks moist and reduces evaporation of the wine. Regular refrigerators are cooler than this and have lower humidity that will dry the corks and cause wine evaporation.A good wine refrigerator or wine cellars will keep wines at a constant temperature of 50-55 degrees. They will also have little or no movement or vibrations from the motor, which could negatively affect the aging of the wine. There are a wide variety of wine refrigerators and wine cellars to fit both your needs and your budget. This is a fantastic gift for wine lovers. Learn more by clicking on this link:
Recommended Wine Refrigerators and Cellars
Wine Stemware
Did you know that you can enhance the flavor of your wine by serving it in glasses especially designed for that type of wine? There are many wine glasses available to fit anyone's budget. Buy wine glasses for the wine lover on your list who will appreciate beautiful glasses in which to enjoy his or her favorite wine. A highly recommended wine related gift!
Learn more about wine stemware
Vinturi Wine Aerator
Vinturi Wine Aerator instantly improves the bouquet, flavor, and finish of a wine. This amazing gadget aerates your wine quickly and easily. Simply hold the Venturi over your glass. Pour the wine into the aerator and into your glass. We've done blind testings of the Venturi Wine Aerator and it really does work! A unique wine related gift!
What to Eat With What You Drink
What to Drink With What You Eat
is the ideal gift for the person interested in pairing food and wine and who wants to go beyond the advice of "red wine with red meat and white wine with white meats". This easy to use book is the best we've seen on choosing the best wine to enhance the flavors of a meal. This book is one of the top gifts for wine lovers.
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You'll find even more great gifts for wine lovers at this Amazon Wine Store. Just click on - Everything Wine
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