Vinturi Wine Aerator
Wine, especially red wine, tastes better when it is allowed time to breathe before drinking. Decanters are often used to aerate wine for this reason. Wine drinkers will swirl the wine in their glass in an attempt to aerate the wine.

The Vinturi Wine Aerator will quickly and easily aerate your wine. It makes decanting unnecessary and saves you time. No need to swirl your wine to let the wine breathe.

Hold the Vinturi over your glass as you pour the wine. It flows through the Vinturi into your glass and is ready to drink immediately.

You'll find that the wine has a better bouquet, improved flavors, and a smoother finish.

Enjoy better wine in seconds with this amazing wine gadget that is convenient and easy to use.
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Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator
Comes with no drip stand and travel pouch. Improve the bouquet, taste, and finish of your wine.
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This Vinturi Aerator comes with a free wine pourer and stopper.